Your ways of raising children may be different from your own parents because of cultural and socioeconomic factors. The many changes in society continue to impact the way parents raise their children. As the years go by, priorities, preferences, and choices evolve, demonstrating how parents manage their households and raise their kids.

In fact, there is no exact science to determine if your approach to parenting is right or wrong. Each parenting style is different, but they all share the same goal: to raise kids to be the best version of themselves.

As parents, you may choose different ways to raise your children in a variety of ways. Different parenting styles refer to different methods of raising children that parents implement in their daily lives. The way you parent your child can impact everything from their behavior to their self-esteem. This is why it’s crucial to decide on what approach or parenting style to follow and execute. A parent’s style should support healthy growth and development because such influences last for the rest of a child’s life. Try to ensure that your parenting style promotes healthy growth and development. To give you information on the different parenting styles, here are the four kinds:

  1. Authoritarian

It can be inferred that authoritarian parenting styles focus on imposing power and authority upon children. It’s considered the most disciplinary course to take, as some parents feel that this approach can instill self-discipline in their kids. Authoritarian parents restrict their kids from expressing their opinions and instead force the children to follow the rules. When imposed mindlessly, making kids feel bad for their mistakes can become the focus. Parents can potentially lose sight of the value of enabling kids to make good decisions for themselves. 

  1. Permissive

Permissive parenting in this manner is lenient, and parents only intervene when there is a serious problem. A huge amount of trust is given to the child, allowing them to decide according to their judgment. Children who beg for things from permissive parents might be granted certain privileges. It is more common for permissive parents to act as friends than parents. In general, parents encourage their children to talk about their problems with them, but they rarely attempt to discourage bad choices or bad behavior, as they believe the children can learn everything by themselves.

  1. Authoritative

Besides adopting a set of rules and using consequences, authoritative parents also consider their children’s opinions. They might establish ground rules but not entirely ignore justifications and reasoning by the children. Authoritative parents validate their kids’ feelings but emphasize that, ultimately, they are in charge. Parents who take steps to prevent behavioral problems spend effort and time preventing those problems before they begin. As part of positive discipline, they use praise and reward systems to reinforce good behavior. This parenting style gives a sort of balance for discipline and freedom to the child.

  1. Uninvolved

Many uninvolved parents have little idea what their children are up to. They almost don’t imply any rules. Parental attention, guidance, and nurturing may be lacking for children when parents choose uninvolved parenting. Children raised by uninvolved parents are expected to be self-sufficient. Although this may not seem intentional, uninvolved parenting means other aspects in their lives that they need to prioritize, other than caring for or raising their kids. 

Source: https://www.bestkidstuff.com/family/most-googled-parenting-questions/ 

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